Dr Jane Goodall, I thank you.
Dearest Jane Goodall,
I would like to thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for reminding everyone of their own importance, their own great inner force that can be focused on much collective good. Each and every one of us can achieve so much when we fully focus our mind on what it is we wish to achieve.
Thank you for seeing and remembering me, for making me feel welcome — as you do for all who cross your path, and that is millions of people all around planet earth, thanks to your great effort of travelling this globe, non stop.
Thank you for looking down the barrel of my camera more times than I imagine you care to remember — I know it is not easy.
I do hope that you know, deeply, (I know you do), that every moment you offer to others, every photo you have taken with others has an enormous impact in this struggling world. I would not want to take these photographs with you if that were not the case.
These photographed moments are far removed from the realm of celebrity — you have a presence that is so strongly felt. You are one impactful and compassionate global leader. You radiate a deep universal love, wisdom and consciousness — a blessing to all you share time and space with, and that is millions of people all around planet earth.
These many photographs we took will be cherished by their owners and they will motivate them all to keep going, to keep doing the good work, to do it better, to do more — our collective good work that you are tirelessly taking around the world.
My photographs of our shared time together, thank you, will be going on my cabin studio wall. They will remind me to not loose hope. To keep trying. To keep going. I shall keep doing the good work, helping every animal in need that I can, making ethical consumer choices and using my visual communication skills for the good and important work.
Melanie Vivian (right) CEO of the Jane Goodall Institute of New Zealand, with her mother and family dog greeting Jane.
Many of the team members of the Jane Goodall Institute of New Zealand.
A very big and heartfelt thank you for all that you do. And thank you Melanie Vivian and all who form the Jane Goodall Institute of New Zealand for all that you do to bring this very good work to fruition in Aotearoa. What an incredible team!
For more images of this wonderful experience pop on over here to my photography gallery.